Consumption Trends China 2013
by MEC and CIC
New consumption trends, both on the macro and micro levels, are appearing, colliding, converging, or even disappearing, at lightning speed and in real time. Marketers are working from a script that is constantly being rewritten. Some of these changes can be comprehensive in scope, affecting and altering many aspects of consumption. For some marketers, these changes will unlock new opportunities and/or significant competitive advantages. For others, dealing with their impact will be a major challenge. The goal of the Consumption Trends China series of reports has always been to provide direction and be a springboard to inspire marketers to come up with new business models, products/services and experiences to meet the needs of the evolving consumers.
This is the third year that MEC prepares this report and we have greatly improved our methodology to identify, sort and analyze what trends will come into play in 2013. We started out this series of reports in 2011 based on observations by trend scouts, backed up by desk research. For 2012, we added quantification by asking consumers to rank the trends in an online survey. In Consumption Trends China 2013, MEC and CIC, China‘s leading social business intelligence provider, have joined forces to provide a more comprehensive view of the year ahead. CIC brings in IWOM (internet Word of Mouth) and social media to the research, adding granularity and texture to the trends.
The emergence of social media is fast transforming our methods of understanding consumer behavior and conducting market research, and IWOM monitoring and social media research are essential parts of this change. The online world, with is liveliness, frankness and outspokenness, offers an additional route to a better understanding of consumer opinion and market pulse. Within the scope of key trends, CIC provides examples to illustrate the needs of consumers and the exemplifications of those needs in a more vivid and true-to-life form via social media research.
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