Supermarket Of The Future
FITCH, 2010
Hollywood science fiction blockbusters such as Minority Report, which foretells the use of iris scanner recognition technology and biometric authentication in the retail environment, have given us a small yet fascinating glimpse of what the future might hold for consumers of the future. But what of retail reality?
Globally-renowned design agency Fitch, which has been at the forefront of retail conceptualisation for the past 35 years having been a fundamental influence on today’s high street, is perfectly placed to lay out its vision of the ‘store of the future’.
Consumers of the future
But what will influence tomorrow’s consumers? Increased foreign travel and exposure to outside influences has dramatically broadened their horizons and there is a growing openness to other cultures and styles. Creativity is now about sampling and fusion.
As a result, tomorrow’s brands need to blend in the best ingredients and treatments the world has to offer, offering a continued growth of ‘authentic’ brands – from origins to shelf – with a compelling story.
Other vast cultural changes are afoot. Today’s web-savvy consumers are ‘uploading’ not ‘downloading. There is a new generation of consumers that have never known a world without the internet. These changes are born out by the fact that UK internet shoppers spend almost twice as much as continental Europeans. Brands must therefore embrace technology until such time as web shopping becomes an integral and effortless process.
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