The Joy Of Shopping: It's All In The Mind
A new model for success in an increasingly splintered retail world. The old notion of a linear Customer Journey has been splintered by the myriad shopping choices available today. While retailers and brands are scrambling to understand how the shopping behaviour of new empowered consumers is changing, we believe that we first need to understand what people want from their shopping experience.
The Global Retail Revolution
The global world of retail is in a state of revolution. What was once so SIMPLE – “I’m just popping out to the shops” is now infinitely SPLINTERED. Shopping is anywhere and everywhere. Today’s consumers have an abundance of choice for shopping – in a store, on a website, via an app on their smartphone and through their games console. They move fluidly and instinctively across retail brands and channels as they satisfy their different SHOPPER MINDSTATES at the flick of a key or the click of a mouse. The old notion of a linear customer journey is rapidly evolving into a more mosaic approach. In response, retailers are seeking to understand how shopping behaviours are changing as consumers gain more choice, access and power across channels. They are looking to create a more seamless experience that keeps shoppers engaged with their brand. By not delivering a smooth and connected shopping experience, they risk losing control of transactions and loyalty – once delivered solely by their physical stores.
Three Universal Shopper Mindstates Are Driving The Future Of Retail
FITCH has identified three universal ‘shopper mindstates’ that characterise the behaviours of shoppers across the world. Shoppers can exhibit any one of these different mindstates at any given moment, often switching from one to another in an instant, depending on the particular shopping mission and the stimuli around them.
In this mindstate, shoppers actively look for new ideas and inspiration. They don’t yet have fully defined needs and wants, and skip between categories and brands to find inspiration or learn something, and have fun while doing it.
Here, the shopper is open-minded, but has a category-specific purchase intent. They may have a few options in mind but are open to suggestions, to be influenced. They are looking to browse easily, find more information and narrow their choices down.
In this mindstate, shoppers look for a specific brand, product or service. They are often replenishing their usual stock, or already know the specific item they are looking for. They want things to be easy to find, welcome timely and relevant reminders, and want to feel reassured that they are making the right choice when it comes to things like price.
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The Joy Of Shopping: It's All In The Mind, (pdf,1.83Mb)