The TIB - A Future with Added Value
A Study on the Value and Benefits of the German National Library of Science and Technology
Contingent-Valuation: The TIB - A Future with Added Value
It is the first study of its kind in the German-speaking part of Europe: a publicly funded institution had its worth and value measured in Euros and Cents.
The German National Library for Science and Technology (TIB), which is funded by the federal government and the federal states, was faced with the following questions: is the TIB worth its funding? What is the return on investment for government and society? Does the TIB generate an added value, which is beneficial for the entire German economy? How can the value be quantified in financial terms? The answers to these questions are given in the study "The TIB - A Future with Added Value", which was conducted by TNS Business Intelligence, part of TNS Global, on behalf of the TIB and published in November 2010.
The Contingent Valuation Method
To determine the value of the TIB, TNS Business Intelligence used a method, which was developed by the Nobel-price laureates Kenneth Arrow and Robert Solow in 1993. With the method of the "Contingent Valuation" publicly funded organisations have an instrument at hand, which quantifies the use of non-profit-organisations on an empirical secured basis in financial terms. This is a novelty for the performance measurement of publicly funded institutions in Germany. Now, international organisations, public institutions and subsidised services can prove with the help of TNS Business Intelligence that their public funding is not only justified but will also pay off.
Dr Sabine Graumann
Director TNS Business Intelligence
Silja Maria Wiedeking
Marketing TNS Business Intelligence
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