The OgilvyOne Connected Report
By OgilvyOne

Over the past 18 months much has been written about social media in China, about massive growth, new social media darlings and the massive numbers of users of these sites. We have seen brands reaching out to bloggers and social media sites and creating campaigns in a social media environment. Media dollars are shifting to social media sites and campaigns embrace social elements to connect with consumers. In most cases, however, we largely see traditional marketing thinking being transplanted into a social media environment.
Too little is known about the fundamental changes that social media has on how consumers connect with each other, how trust is built and how influence and word of mouth really travels.
All data about social media in China is focusing on the big numbers, but little data is available to help marketers navigate this new environment. We felt that social media is often seen as a new kind of media rather than a fundamental shift in the way consumers engage with brands, and therefore, how brands define their roles in this new world.
As a brand agency, we asked ourselves the question: what does this all mean to our Clients’ brands and the way we guide them through this new world gone social? We needed better insights on how brands should navigate and embrace social media, how consumers embrace it and how they relate to brands. We needed to understand Chinese social consumers and the role that brands play in their life, how influence is built and how are the key influencers. We wanted results that answer the how and not the why.
So we commissioned this study in early 2010 and then worked with our Planning team on insights and implications for brands in China.
The OgilvyOne Connected Report in full (external link)