The Trading
Quarterly (Issue 1)
By eCommera,
July 2010

Welcome to the first edition
of The Trading Intelligence
Ecommerce is of critical importance
to retailers and brand owners, yet
we see many organisations failing
to take it seriously and grasping
the opportunity it represents.
We hope to offer you insights and advice that
help provoke your thinking on how to make your
ecommerce more successful.
"The most successful
retailers of the
future will be those
who understand
profoundly both
the physical and
virtual channels."
Sir Martin Sorrell,
In our opening edition, we present the findings
of independent research into how UK ecommerce
directors are viewing and developing online retail
offerings. It offers a fascinating perspective on the
roles, challenges and opportunities within this
newly forming sector. While physical retail is
a mature industry, with fairly consistent views
and approaches to growth, ecommerce is clearly
much more diverse with organisations at very
different levels of development and understanding.
This makes it an exciting place to be – with huge
opportunities for those who innovate and adapt
quickly to the new market dynamics.
We are also delighted to include thoughts from
some of the industry’s leading names. In this
edition, Sir Martin Sorrell discusses how
ecommerce is changing the rules of retail and
Sir Tom Hunter considers the critical role of
the board.
It is clear that ecommerce is not the same as retail.
To succeed online retailers must think differently.
They must consider how to organise their
operations. They must gain clarity on the metrics
that drive ecommerce success. If they are to
compete with companies like Amazon they must
move towards real-time trading. They must grasp
the opportunities for significant growth, and
never be satisfied with growth rates benchmarked
to store like-for-likes.
I hope you enjoy this first edition of The Trading
Intelligence Quarterly, and find it helpful as you
consider how to make the most of ecommerce
within your own business.
Download The Trading Intelligence Quarterly (pdf, 2.7Mb)