International Delphi Study 2030
By TNS Infratest
Prospects and Opportunities of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Media 
The top objective of the ‘‘International Delphi Study 2030’’ is to support and stimulate discussions about the significance and future development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and media. It represents the current status of aggregated expert knowledge about future developments in an international environment. By acting as a platform for discussion, the findings should help to make the future more tangible and thus more easily shaped. Almost ten years after the highly regarded Delphi Study “2014”, produced in 1999, the MÜNCHNER KREIS together with partners from business and academia returns to look again at future developments in the ICT and media industry.
Those involved in the project are pursuing two objectives with the current “International Delphi Study 2030”:
- Highlighting central developments, challenges and opportunities in ICT and media and
- Forecasting future trends and innovations in ICT and media.
551 international experts from business, academia and politics assessed 144 future scenarios in two consecutive survey waves by mid 2009. The development and use of ICT and media up to 2020 were assessed under four focal issues:
- Social implications of ICT development
- ICT innovation policy
- Infrastructure development and key technologies
- ICT drivers of innovation in central areas of application
The study illuminates the perpetual dynamism with which information and communication technologies change the world in which we live today. In particular, the digitization of all areas of life – especially the Internet, with its burgeoning services and functionalities – has brought about radical changes in society, business and academia in the last 20 years. Indeed, in the coming years, the economic and social potential of ICT will grow even more; the impact on our society is sweeping and global. This development is driven by high investment rates in base technologies, an abundance of new applications, still growing global competition and fundamental structural changes for manufacturers, network operators and service providers.
"International Delphi Study 2030 - Prospects and Opportunities of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Media" and the
"Executive Summary and Methodology" are available in English for all WPP employees and their clients. The report is publicly available and free of charge.
Download the International Delphi Study (pdf, 16 Mb)
Download the Executive Summary (pdf, 2.3 Mb)For further informations see Contact
Dr. Malthe WolfTNS Infratest
t +49 (0)89 5600 1133
f +49 (0)89 5600 1437 Stefanie Sagl TNS Infratest
t +49 (0)89 5600 1498
f +49 (0)89 5600 1747