But the thoughts, experiences and fears of those using future technologies are often considered far too late or not at all during the development phase. For that reason more than 7,200 people in Germany, Sweden, USA, Brazil, China and Korea had been interviewed in a carefully prepared internet-based survey about 16 pictures of the future. Each picture shows some of the few fundamental functions of future ICT technologies in typical personal and/or work situations.
The new Future Study released by MÜNCHNER KREIS and conducted by TNS Germany reveals what users think about our digital future. It holds fascinating insights into how digitalization reaches every part of our lives.
Having concentrated in previous phases on long-term perspectives of the information, communication and media worlds from an expert's point of view, the fourth Future Study in this cycle makes it possible to illustrate attitudes, preferences, and even reservations and fears of those surveyed with regard to specific, innovative “pictures of the future” – in an international comparison.
The 16 pictures of the future can be divided into seven typical life situations: "learning and knowledge", "work and organization", "entertainment and storage", "living", "staying healthy", "maintaining mobility" and "consumption and payment".
For further information see
Download Pictures of the Future in a Digital World,
(pdf, 13.9 Mb)
Dr. Malthe Wolf
TNS Infratest
t +49 (0)89 5600 1133
f +49 (0)89 5600 1437
malthe.wolf@tns-infratest.com Stefanie Sagl
TNS Infratest
t +49 (0)89 5600 1498
f +49 (0)89 5600 1747