Shaping Ideas to Shape the Future
By TNS Infratest
An international study on the future of ICT and media 
TNS Infratest Germany published a new study "Shaping Ideas to Shape the Future", latest part of the long-term project “Prospects and Opportunities of ICT and Media”. The study was jointly conducted and published by Münchner Kreis, EICT, Deutsche Telekom, TNS Infratest, Siemens, Vodafone, SAP, Telefónica O2, ZDF and sponsored by FOCUS, VDE, Sony, Deutsche Bank, Opera and Daimler.
This year’s study “Shaping Ideas to Shape the Future”
provides concrete recommendations for a successful, sustainable pathway into the future of ICT and media. The findings on future developments, challenges and opportunities of ICT and media suggest a future that is increasingly infused with digital technologies, both in private and professional spheres.
More than 1,000 international experts actively took part in this extensive study. The ICT and media experts commented on 79 questions in two moderated online panel discussions. The resulting findings were incorporated into a further international expert survey comprising 120 questions.
In continuation of the findings from the previous years, under the central themes “Shaping Ideas to Shape the Future,” three issues came under close scrutiny:
1. “ICT and competence”
2. “ICT and security”
3. “ICT for new business areas”
Based on the results of the online discussion and the international expert survey, the third phase of the project identifies the potential of central developments,
determines Germany’s current position compared internationally and calls on the main players to provide impetus. The stated aim of this phase is to support and shape our digital future. The findings confirm that, while the pace at which information and communication technologies are changing the world of today remains undiminished, the majority of developments that lie ahead of us depend on courses set today and are not predetermined per se.
Shaping Ideas to Shape the Future (pdf, 4.7 Mb). The Executive Summary and the official press release are available on the project website: