Transmedia Rising
JWT, 2011
Transmedia is a buzz word that’s been in use for a while now, and the idea behind it goes back many decades. But from Hollywood to Madison Avenue, we’re seeing more and more content creators adopting transmedia practices: creating stories, characters or themes that arc over various platforms, providing consumers with multiple entry points. For marketers, transmedia presents new opportunities for creatively engaging audiences—with the potential to enhance brand mythology and create more brand evangelists.
Our trend report “Transmedia Rising” takes a look at why this trend is bubbling up right now, how it’s significant for marketers and where it’s going. It includes a half-dozen case studies, insights from transmedia experts, a guide to finding more information (from events to podcasts to books and video clips) and a timeline charting some milestones in transmedia’s evolution. We also touch on transmedia in the kids toy industry and projects to watch from Hollywood.
And in the coming weeks, stay tuned for two Q&As we conducted on the topic of transmedia: with the commercial and music video director Mathew Cullen, a co-founder of the new transmedia-focused studio Mirada, and with Wired contributing editor Frank Rose, author of the new book The Art of Immersion.