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MEC @ Advertising Week 2015
2015 marks the 12th year of Advertising Week in New York City, among the largest annual gathering of thought leaders and game changers across marketing, media, advertising, creative, technology and entertainment. This year featured its most impressive roster of speakers, panelists and participants there to inspire, educate and entertain.
2015 |
Digital Insights From 1975
One of the great strokes of luck in my life was working with Stephen King. He had an astonishing ability to cut through the chunter and see things with a simplicity and clarity that made it possible to understand not only what the issue really was but how to do something practical about it.
Jeremy Bullmore |
2013 |
The End of Advertising as we Know it – And What to do Now
AKQA’s Rei Inamoto argues that the thing we call advertising is over and offers four guidelines for moving into the next era, when 365-day connection, people-focused stories, and business invention will be key.
2013 |
The Power of Retail Insight
Multichannel and online retailing has made it difficult to measure the impact of marketing on sales, but analytics consultancy Ohal has the techniques to find the right insights.
Ohal |
2013 |
Optimizing Ads: Is Less Always More?
It’s the relentless imperative of our age: Do everything better, but also faster and at lower cost. Marketers confront this challenge as their own discipline becomes ever more difficult.
Millward Brown |
2013 |
Making Magic, Using Logic: The Ogilvy Branded Entertainment Assessment Model
Advertising has never been more fun. The entertainment industry is booming, and brands are getting in on the action, investing an increasing share of marketing dollars into branded entertainment (“BE”) programs.
OgilvyEntertainment |
2012 |
How Should Voiceovers be Used in Ads?
Voiceovers are commonly used in ads across the world, and they seem to aid the communication of factual messages. However, voiceovers are less commonly associated with distinctive ads, and continuous voiceovers can result in lower engagement.
Millward Brown |
2012 |
Do TV Ads “Wear Out”?
Broadly speaking, the response generated by a TV ad doesn’t change much over time. True “wearout” of a TV ad is rare, and many TV ads could have a longer useful life than advertisers realize.
Millward Brown |
2012 |
Time for action
Tim Hipperson G2 Joshua UK’s CEO, argues that the service provided to brands by the siloed agency model is bankrupt and must be replaced by a comprehensive, joined-up service that responds to consumer demand immediately.
G2 Joshua |
2010 |
How Should You Take TV Advertising Clutter Into Account?
The level of TV advertising clutter varies greatly by country, and the amount of clutter affects the ability of ads to cut through.
Millward Brown |
2011 |
Do Men and Women Respond Differently to Ads?
While at an overall level, men and women give similar ratings to ads, they respond differently to individual ads.
Millward Brown |
2011 |
Transformers: More Than Just Advertising As Usual
Brands like Nike are transforming their advertising by mashing-up content and code in new innovative ways.
Mindshare |
2011 |
10 Trends for 2011
JWT's 10 Trends for 2011 report is the result of quantitative, qualitative and desk research conducted by JWTIntelligence throughout the year.
2010 |
Emotion in Advertising: Pervasive, Yet Misunderstood
Advertisers talk a lot about the importance of generating an emotional response from people. However, they rarely stop to specify exactly what characterizes such a response or why they believe it is important.
Nigel Hollis |
2010 |
Why Life Is Looking Up In Brazil
Y&R CEO Roberto Justus, a TV star, socialite and published author - as well as being boss of his country's biggest ad agency, tells Andrew Downie that the time has come at last for Brazil to fulfill its potential.
Y&R |
2010 |
Work in Progress: 10 Trends for 2010
As we approach a new decade, you'll find that many of the trends we cite are consequences of the Great Recession. Technological, demographic and geopolitical changes are also key drivers.
2010 |
The Advertiser’s India: One Country or Many?
India should not be regarded as a single country by advertisers, as consumers respond quite differently in its diverse markets.
Shiv Moulee |
2009 |
AnxietyIndex Quarterly: The Best Brand Responses to the Recession
During periods of heightened consumer anxiety, brands need real-time data that can help them navigate a rapidly changing landscape.
2009 |
How Do I Maximize My Print Budget?
Magazine advertising can work more cost effectively than TV, and using magazines in the media mix can lead to a media-multiplier effect.
Millward Brown |
2009 |
How to Maximise the Return From Your Online Display Advertising
As it has matured, we have learned that online advertising can improve awareness and brand perceptions. For a medium where frequency levels can be capped, it is worth noting that the first exposure is the most effective, so aiming for reach among your target is a useful objective to set. Improvements on most key brand measures tend to stabilize after around four exposures.
Millward Brown |
2009 |
We Can Be Rock Stars
The future of the ad agency could be in nurturing ideas, says William Charnock after visiting the TED - Technology, Entertainment Design - conference.
William Charnock |
2008 |
Advertising Avoidance: The Quiet Consumer Revolt
Study to chart the extent to which individuals actively try to avoid advertising in some media, while they do not mind advertising in others.
Peter Callius |
2009 |
Targeting Online Ads: Aim for the Bulls-eye or Focus on Hitting the Target?
Among the significant and distinct attributes of online advertising is its ability to deliver relevant messages to specific targets. However, the range of available online targeting options is vast and becoming increasingly complex. How should advertisers choose among these alternatives to optimize their online ad effectiveness?
Duncan Southgate |
2009 |
Direct-To-Consumer Advertising Works
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) drug advertising in the United States has been a subject of much controversy since restrictions on the practice were eased in 1998. Critics blame these ads for contributing to rising drug costs and unnecessary conflicts between patients and doctors, and recently, a widely publicized study has reported that they are not even effective at promoting the products they advertise. Are DTC ads worth the investment?
Angela Federici |
2008 |
Managing Global Brand Advertising
The hope and desire of the brand team are that the agency creative will bring some magic... and create a global advertising idea (which could become a global communication idea if it is 'big' enough).
Hamsini Shivkumar |
2005 |