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The Business of Persuasion
In this illuminating and engaging business memoir, Burson traces his career from studying at Ole Miss to serving in World War II, reporting on the Nuremburg trials, and joining with Bill Marsteller. Together, he and Marsteller made history in a new venture that would grow to be one of the biggest public relations companies in the world, with over 60 offices on six continents.
Harold Burson 2017
Predicting the Turn
Predicting The Turn is your rule book for the new game of high-stakes business. The Fortune 500 was first published in 1955, and since that time, 89 percent of the list has completely turned over. When the S&P 500 was launched in 1958, the average company remained in the index for roughly 61 years.
Dave Knox 2016
The Glass Wall
Bold, practical strategies that will shatter the glass wall in the workplace, and boost any woman's career.
Sue Unerman and Kathryn Jacob 2016
Generation M: Young Muslims Changing the World
What does it mean to be young and Muslim today? There is a segment of the world's 1.6 billion Muslims that is more influential than any other, and will shape not just the future of Muslims, but also the world around them: meet 'Generation M'.
Shelina Janmohamed 2016
The New Sports Organisation
“The New Sports Organisation” is a unique sports management book that creates a link between management theory and the practical day-to-day operations of a sports organisation.
TSE Consulting 2016
In Connectography, Parag Khanna guides us through the emerging global network civilization in which mega-cities compete over connectivity and borders are increasingly irrelevant.
Parag Khanna 2016
The Never-Ending Digital Journey
Imagine a generation of consumers who have never known life without computers, the Internet, or app-filled smart phones. That generation is coming up fast, and its expectations for software will be higher than ever before. How can you prepare? The Never-Ending Digital Journey contains cutting-edge thinking about how to wed engineering and design to create digital experiences that will thrill a new generation.
Andres Angelani, Guibert Englebienne, Martin Migoya 2016
Adaptive Marketing
'Adapt or die' is truly the new norm in 21st century marketing: embrace the big data and use it to your company's benefit or else suffer the consequences. In today's Internet Age, one can drown in the overwhelming amount of data available. How do you determine what is useful and what isn't? How do you use data to target the most relevant audience? Knowing the answers to these questions is crucial and will position your company to build on its relationship with consumers while improving its brand.
Norm Johnston 2015
Limitless: Leadership that Endures
In his second book, Ajaz Ahmed, CEO of AKQA, explores what can be learnt from the lives and careers of ground-breaking business leaders.
Ajaz Ahmed 2015
India Reloaded
Brands and businesses from across the globe have tried to leverage the India opportunity, based upon simplistic and widely-held assumptions. This book takes a critical look at these myths and contradictions from an inside perspective, presenting a fresh and nuanced perspective on the opportunities that the Indian market offers.
Dheeraj Sinha 2015
Does it Work?
In the age of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more, it doesn’t matter how many views or followers or clicks you get. All that matters is: Does it Work?
Shane Atchison, Jason Burby 2015
Twitter Is Not A Strategy
In a cultural climate saturated by technology, marketing professionals have focused their energies on creating newer and more digital methods of advertising their brands, with the fear that if they don't embrace "Big Data," they will fade into obscurity.
Tom Doctoroff 2014
The Essential CIO
Amazon and Google have changed the way we do business forever with the cloud. We must change our company's ideas, perceptions and behaviours to survive. That change starts with technology change, and the foundational reinvention of information technology taking place today being driven by cloud computing, mobile devices, social media and data analytics. We need to reinvent ourselves in order to survive as businesses and as CIOs. Our future is at stake.
Matt Graham-Hyde 2013
The Thoughts of Chairmen Now
The Thoughts of Chairmen Now is essential reading for anyone planning to enter China or currently doing business there. It's also beneficial for Chinese executives, analysts, journalists, academics and anyone else interested in the unfiltered thinking of Chinese business leaders.
David Roth & Jonathan Geldart 2013
Luxury Brands in Emerging Markets
Luxury Brands in Emerging Markets is an invaluable repository of knowledge that brings clarity to key issues and trends for practitioners, academics and students of luxury brands.
Kunal Sinha, Inka Crosswaite 2014
The Lighter Side of China
In 'The Lighter Side of China,' published by ACA Publishing, Scott Kronick delights the reader with comic tales and lessons learnt from living and working in China and North Asia over the past two decades.
Scott Kronick 2014
The 10 Principles of Open Business: Building Success in Today's Open Economy
The revolutionary power of the internet has accelerated the demand for a totally new kind of business. Stakeholders now demand more open, connected and meaningful relationships with organizations, and the world's leading brands are taking note.
David Cushman 2014
The Personal Experience Effect
If there is a person who can teach you how to define and create your personal brand, that person is master marketer Jim Joseph. The bestselling author of The Experience Effect has now turned his attention to building that most precious of all brands -- you.
Jim Joseph 2013
Brands and Rousers
In this timely and important book, Luis Gallardo argues that executives and managers not only have to think holistically (in terms of strategy, structure and operations), but also act personally (to become rousers) if they are to succeed in these ever-changing times.
Luis Gallardo 2012
The Advertising On-Ramp
“The Advertising On-Ramp: Getting Your First Advertising Job” (Paramount Books) is the first book to take the suddenly-out-of-school through the hiring process at big advertising agencies.
Belle Frank 2013
A Master Class in Brand Planning: The Timeless Works of Stephen King
In 1988, on Stephen King's retirement JWT published 'The King Papers' a small collection of Stephen King's published writings spanning 1967-1985. They remain timelessly potentially valuable but are an almost unexploited gold mine.
Stephen King 2007
Tell the Truth
In "Tell the Truth", Jonathan Baskin and Sue Unerman look at the content and context of marketing communications. They provide the research of hundreds of companies and in-depth case studies on more than 50 global brands to show us that truthful brands deliver sales, profits, and sustainable relationships. Truth truly yields true competitive advantage.
Jonathan Baskin, Sue Unerman, 2013
The Athena Doctrine: How Women Will Rule the Future
From acclaimed social theorist, consumer expert, and bestselling author, John Gerzema, and award–winning author, Michael 'Antonio, The Athena Doctrine shows how feminine traits are ascending - and bringing success to people and organizations around the world. By nurturing, listening, collaborating and sharing, women and men are solving problems, finding profits, and redefining success in every realm.
John Gerzema, Michael 'Antonio, 2013
Lifestyle Brands: A Guide to Aspirational Marketing
Antonio Marazza, General Manager of Landor Milan, and Stefania Saviolo, Professor at Bocconi University, investigate the reasons why some brands are adopted by people not for what they do, or what they stand for, but for the inspiration they provide.
Antonio Marazza, Stefania Saviolo, 2013
#THOUGHT LEADERSHIP tweet is part of the THiNKaha series whose slim, easy-to-read-and-absorb books contain 140 thought-provoking and actionable quotes (tweets/ahas). Authors Dr. Liz Alexander and Craig Badings, who have more than 50 years of consulting experience between them, have devised a series of questions that will provoke you to consider all the elements necessary to execute a successful organizational thought leadership campaign. The authors have done the preliminary thinking for you so that your organization can better leverage your value in your industry.
Craig Badings, Dr. Liz Alexander, 2012
The Luxury Market in India: Maharajas to Masses
Added Value, the global brand development and marketing insight consultancy, has contributed a chapter to the world’s first authoritative book to be published about the luxury market in India. The Luxury Market in India: Maharajas to Masses, co-edited by Glyn Atwal and Soumya Jain, and published by Palgrave Macmillan, is a window into the highly complex Indian luxury market.
Added Value, 2012
Turbo Chinese
What can a man from the land of software and street squalor; yogic nirvana and dreamy Bollywood tell over half a million working expats in China, about learning the language? That learning Chinese (and doing it fast!), has less to do with memory and more to do with technique; that Chinese comes alive when learning is organic and inspired by life experiences rather than restricted to templates as books make us believe.
Saurabh Sharma, 2012
Raw: Pervasive Creativity in Asia
A sumptuously illustrated look at grassroots creativity in Asia, the conditions that drive it, and what it means to build a business using the power of ideas. There is nothing on the market that is comparable. This is not a dry text business or psychology book. The basis of a creative economy is the recognition that ideas are democratic and come from everyone, followed by the conversion of ideas into financial profitability. This book explains how this is happening in Asia and what, strategically, the West can learn from it.
Kunal Sinha & David Mayo, 2012
Sexy Little Numbers
In this book – the first of its kind – Dimitri Maex, Managing Director of global advertising agency OgilvyOne New York and the engine behind the agency’s global analytics practice, reveals how to turn your data - those sexy little numbers that can mean more profit for your business – into actionable strategies that drive real growth and revenues. And he can show you how to do it at virtually no cost.
Dimitri Maex, 2012
Likeonomics: The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action
With Likeonomics as a guide, readers will get unconventional advice on how to stand out in a good way, avoid the hype and strategic traps of social media, and appeal to customers in a way that secures your company as a trusted and believable resource.
Rohit Bhargava, 2012
Velocity: The Seven New Laws for a World Gone Digital
Written as a fascinating and enjoyable conversation between the authors - Stefan Olander, Vice President of Digital Sport from Nike and Ajaz Ahmed founder and Chairman AKQA - Velocity´s up-to-date examples illustrate key lessons, together with insights, ideas and inspiration that individuals and businesses should adopt to thrive.
Ajaz Ahmed & Stefan Olander, 2012
The Art of Shopping: How We Shop and Why We Buy
This book is the result of 20 years of pioneering research (from filming shoppers in-store to brain scanning) into how people around the world really shop. It explores what we actually do rather than what we think we do, how we really choose and make decisions to buy, and what really works for brands trying to persuade us to buy.
Siemon Scamell-Katz, 2012