2010 Change Snapshot - A view from the streets of Asia by Bates 141

“Many trends reports for 2010 are filled with recessionary overtones and references to the new “thrift economy”, “frugality”, and “business unusual”. At The Change Agency, we like to look at things differently,” said Frederique Covington, Regional Executive Planning Director, Bates 141.
According to the report, in the streets of Asia, the key operating word for 2010 is “bullishness” – Asian countries have come out of the global recession faster and stronger than anyone would have expected.
Growth in Asia is evident, but how and where, will change come from in 2010? The report highlights ten key changes in different Asian countries that reveal profound shifts in consumer values ranging from quality of life awareness to greater need for social collaboration and national unity.
Ten Changes from the Streets of Asia:
- China: Environment – From greenwashing to sustainable living.
- Indonesia: Technology – From “jaringan mobile” (mobile networking) to “mobilisasi sosial” (social mobilization).
- Vietnam: Local Branding – From “hàng tây” (western goods) to “hàng ta” (domestic goods).
- Cambodia: Food – From street meat to cosmopolitan cuisine.
- India: Enterprise – From coping with new order to shaping new order.
- Singapore: Grey Market – From silver boomers to active agers.
- Taiwan: Women – From 敗犬 (loser dog) to 輕熟女 (successfully independent young women).
- Philippines: Personal Empowerment - From “bahalana” (leave it to god’s hands) to “ako na” (leave it to me).
- Hong Kong: Social Awakening: From物質升呢 (materialistic) to 全面升呢 (holistic).
- Malaysia: National Unity – From unity in uniformity to unity in diversity.
Download the full report here (pdf, 7.9Mb)