Editor's Picks
Multi National countryThe Advertiser's India: One Country or Many?Shiv Moulee, Millward Brown, 2010
With 22 official languages, 35 distinct states and a population of 1.2m, India contains an enormous amount of diversity that is arguably greater than that within the European Union. So creating a single advertising or marketing campaign for the entire nation seems a strategy that is doomed to failure. Millward Brown tested almost 1000 ads across India to find out if consumers’ reactions would vary – and the answer is pretty unequivocal.

Psychic technologyThe Yin - Yang of Technology Payoffs in Consumer LifeMythili Chandrasekar, JWT, 2008
The influence of technology in modern India is profound and life defining, according to the author of this paper. Their study set out to identify the payoffs that technology provides people in their lives, and that technology companies could use to connect with consumers. The findings are framed in terms of the 2000-year old chakra system, based on nerve/energy centres in the human body.
JWT India, June 2009
A JWT India Brand ChakrasTM study reveals what Indian students seek from colleges. The centers include in the study are Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Manipal, Pune, Coimbatore, and Ahmedabad.
JWT India, December 2008
The Indian film star is no longer only a hero of the silver screen; he is a beacon of inspiration to his fans. Their on-screen portrayals are being given lesser importance and their off-screen lives and personality have gained prominence, says the recent JWT India Brand ChakrasTM Study on consumers' changing relationship with Bollywood celebrities.
JWT India, December 2008
A JWT India Brand ChakrasTM Study set out to understand how citizens relate to their cities and therefore how brands can connect with people in different cities and the roles they can play. The study examined India's principle metros; Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
Bates 141, May 2008
India is big and India is young. Its size and its demographics, together with the growth potential that India’s economy is showing, have made it a fashionable market. Marketers from across the world and within India are betting high on these two aspects of the country. But these are also the two most critical characteristics of India that every marketer must examine carefully and get a real understanding of in order to make it a success in this country. India is big but is India one whole piece of a homogeneous market?
JWT India, October 2007
The Indian Mother-and-Child is now a team with a shared vision, with mothers actively believing they can shape their children’s destiny for mutual benefit, says the latest JWT Brand ChakrasTM study.
JWT India, July 2007
A first-of-its-kind study of the global Indian through a uniquely Indian proprietary tool, Brand ChakrasTM, by JWT India, reveals the centrality of "work is worship" and identifies hot Chakra Payoffs that brands across categories can use.